JSON comments
JSON comments
This is not allowed:
//some variable
"foo": "bar":"
But this is allowed:
"//": "some variable",
"foo": "bar"
What about multiple lines? This is not allowed:
"//": "some variable",
"foo": "bar",
"//": "some other variable",
"name": "Peter"
But how about this:
"// 1": "some variable",
"foo": "bar",
"// 2": "some other variable",
"name": "Peter"
Or this:
"/**": "",
" * 1": "This is a multiline comment description",
" * 2": "of a variable",
"**/": "",
"name": "Peter"
What about multiple multiline comments? You already can guess it:
"/** 1": "",
" * 1.1": "This is a multiline comment description",
" * 1.2": "of a variable",
"**/ 1": "",
"name": "Peter",
"/** 2": "",
" * 2.1": "This is a multiline comment description",
" * 2.2": "of a variable",
"**/ 2": "",
"age": "23"
Not very pretty but it serves it’s purpose.
I discovered this by looking into Angular source code, take a look at their package.json:
"scripts": {
"/": "",
"// 1": "Many developer of our checks/scripts/tools have moved to our ng-dev tool",
"// 2": "Find the usage you are looking for with:",
"// 3": "yarn ng-dev --help",
"/ ": "",